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​​​​​Host/Hostess Dutes.
1. Contact Travelers by phone week of trip, introduce yourself​  and brief clients about trip and answer any questons. 

2.​​ Pick up snack bags and travel info

3. Keep a count of all travelers while traveling, hand out snack bag​​ and inform the customers of the activities for the day or entire trip.

4.​​ Upon arrival, answer any questions, and help the group into the venue.  Make sure travelers have your cell phone number.  If overnight trip, host must get everyone checked into their room and give the travelers your room number, just in case they need you. 

5.  Compensation...For  DAY​ trips host gets $100 cash, plus ticket to event.  Companion gets a free ride but must pay for the event ticket. For Sight and Sound the Host gets a free meal wth the group, but companion needs to pay for their meal. ​​ 

All overnight trips the HOST gets a free room for 2, companion can stay in the room for free, but if additional persons are in the room, there will be a minimal additional cost. ON travel days the hosts gets $100 per day and $50 for days while on location to answer questions. Meals and activities are on your own, unless the group is attending an event in the package.  In that case host gets a free ticket to event.  ​​  
Travel Adventures
                                                             b​y Mike